
每年, 澳门水利博彩官方网站 recognizes alums for their professional achievements, dedication to 澳门水利博彩官方网站 or leadership in the community and beyond. The following is a list of our alum award winners.


This award recognizes an alumna who demonstrates strong leadership ability in her career or in service to the college and/or community. It is awarded to an alumna who exhibits integrity, enthusiasm and professionalism.

2023    Mari-Anne Hechmann ’91
2020    Dr. 莫林·海尔威格,68年
2019    Patricia Race Hoefler '63
2017    Kathleen Marsh '84
2015    Cecelia Gore '92, '08
2014    Chris Her-Xiong '02
2013年Joan Reardon '52
2011    Dr. Sirri一. Nomo-Ongolo 67
2010    S. 玛格丽特·厄尔利,52年
2009    S. 朱莉·诺特克,46岁
2008    Jeanne Peppey Lowry '88
Karen Doppke '64
2005年Jean Bartels博士.D. '81
2004    Kathleen O'Brien, Ph.D. '67
2003年Stephanie A. 85年。艾伦
1999    Gabriella Birkholz Klein '83
1998    S. 玛丽·惠勒,43岁
1997    S. 玛丽·迪兹,67年
1996    Carol Mohns Meils '75
1995    Susan Gebhardt Taylor '57
1994    Donna Gottfried Gaffney '68
1993    S. 乔治·洛克,47岁
1993    Jestene McCord '79
1992    Vivien Pledl DeBack '54
1991    Marian Colette '69
1990    Jeanette Mitchell '82
1989    Barbara Kluka '66
1988    Marilyn Shrude '69
1986    Rita Wisniewski '75
1985    Patricia Dix Brewer '68
1984    S. 阿格尼斯·玛丽·汉高60年
1983    Maria Varela Zuniga '61
1982    S. 奥斯汀·多尔蒂,1954年
1981    Vicky Sienkienwicz Debbins '60
1980    S. 多萝西·博克,50岁
1979    Georgiana Haumann Jungels '60
1978    Theresa Flemming Williams '63
1977    S. Theophane Hytrek '38
1976    S. Francis Borgia Rothluebber '43
1975    Barbara Ramusack Goodman '60
1974年,Jean Platz '55
1973    Rose Purpero Spang '62
1972    Arletta Hartmann '52
1971    S. Joel Read '48

Service to the Community Award

This award recognizes an alumna who has demonstrated the importance of effective citizenship through providing outstanding service to the community and/or demonstrating leadership ability by directing a significant project in the community.

2023    Dionne Grayson ’96
2022    Dr. Clarissa Lawrence '12 '18 '21
2019    Lynnea Katz-Petted '03
2017    Maria Lopez Vento '13
2015    Silvia Perez-Rathell '98
2014    Sr. Marie Nakitende '06
2013    Marilyn Chilton Boeldt '81
2011    Kathleen (McCrady) Simonse '68
2010    S. 塞莱斯汀·沙尔48岁
2008    Janet Jankowski Fitch '85
2007    Pat (Klauer) Rauch '62
2006    S. J. Dolores Brunner '42
2005佩吉·豪斯博士.D., '63
2004    Arlene Einwalter, SSSF '60
2003    S. 菲利斯·弗兰岑54岁
1999    Mary O'Brien Giorgio '66
1998    Marjorie Morgan '83
1998    Barbara Steinmetz '91
1997年Bonnie L. 皮特森83
1996    Patrice Kitzke Wessel '75
1985    Dolores Chrzan '56
1984    Cathy Labinski '62
1983    Claudia Siehr Porter '66
1983    Shirley Panosian '78
1982    Dee Ann Frazier Sitzberger '60
1981    Barbara Kotarski Johnson '62
1980    Rosemary Murphy '62
1980    Joan Holzem Lanser '53
1979    S. 伯纳黛特·卡尔舍尔42届
1979    Angelina Zammuto Jodi '64
1978    Marlene Peterson Conway '67
1978    Patricia Artz Berens '71
1977    Susan Rozga Witkowski 66
1977    Carol Wulff Wichmann '67
1977    Phyllis Cypcar Stefaniak '57
1977    Ruth Lehmann Rudd '52
1977    Judith Anderson Persin '63
1977    Carol Zinner Dolphin '62


This award recognizes a recent alumna who has achieved success in her career.

2023    Kristin Belkofer ’08 ’14
2022    Samantha Maldonado '09 '11
2020    Amanda Acevedo '12
2019    Carla Elena Echeveste '14
2018    Dr. 蒂亚·弗农08
2017 Katrina Goetz '05
2015    Moriah Iverson '06
2014 Mara S.K. Henningsen的11
2013 Michelle M. Sieloff-Feldman 04年
2010    Kira Raichert '02
2009    S. 凯蒂·拉芬,02年,07年
2008    Megan Kemmet Wanke '07
2007    Aimee Gironimi '04
2006    Eloiza Altoro-Acevedo '97
2005年Amy Pietsch '97

Professional Achievement Award

2018    Karla Ashenhurst '14
2017 Tiffany Barta '03
2015 Ellen Tripler '06
2011    Patricia Padjen McNulty '73
2010 Debra Amesqua '04
2009    Diane Chamness '84
2008    Beverly Roecker Hoege '83
2007    Roberta (Steiner) Akalin '68
2006玛丽E. 81年,98年
2004年卡尔. 玛丽R. 英格拉姆77年
2003    S. 玛丽E. Diez, Ph值.D. '67
1998    Ellen Gardner '69
1998    Mary Ann Schwartz '62
1996    Joanne Carini Gelsthorpe '66
1995    Kathleen Lawler Demitros '82
1985    S. 利昂娜·特鲁坎,53岁
1984    Carolyn Guerra '63
1984    Vivien Pledl DeBack '54
1982    Dorothy Budish '65
1981    Rosemarie Kangery '55
1981    Lily Chia Brissman '64
1980    Virginia Borchadt Stadtler '62
1980    Norma Skrzypchak Lang '61
1979    Celeste Raspanti '50


2018    Chicago 女校友 Chapter
2017    Carmen Schools of Science & 技术
2014    Texas 女校友 Group
2013    Patricia Niggeman Hribar '65
2011苏珊T. Witkowski 66
2010    Mary Claire Jones '88 and the 澳门水利博彩官方网站 Theatre 女校友 Group
2009    Tracy Stockwell '95
2008    Carol Zinner Dolphin '62
2007    Catherine Dowdell '91
2006    S. 伯纳丁·多伊奇,1953年
Rose Spang '62
2004    Mari-Anne Hechmann '91
2003 Linda C. 彼得森,02年,92年


1999    Sherlyn Brown '94 & '98
1996    Rockwell Automation/Allen Bradley
1996    Barbara Williams Wyatt '82

Special Distinction Award

1998    S. Felissa Zander, 62年
1998    S. J. Dolores Brunner '42


2005玛丽·J. 米,Ph值.D.
1999    S. 玛琳Neises
1980    S. 伊丽莎白·恩格尔
1978    S. 索拉诺格兰杰
1978    S. 劳拉·兰普
1976    S. 奥古斯汀舍勒
1975    S. 海伦娜Steffens-meier
1974    Mary Phyllis Heaton Miller
